Absence management

Every company wants healthy, motivated and productive employees. But what happens when employees are absent due to illness or accident?

SIZ Care AG has been offering its customers customised absence management solutions for 25 years.
The core element of the SIZ model is early, systematic support for all cases of absence in a company after three to four weeks of incapacity for work at the latest. The support promotes the recovery of employees and their reintegration, which is coordinated in cooperation with the parties involved (company, employees, medical treatment centres, insurance companies, third parties). This requires specialised expertise, understanding and many years of experience in the care, support and reintegration of people who are unable to work.

The goal is a healthy company with satisfied employees, fewer days of absence and correspondingly lower costs.

Contact us for customised solutions.

Your contact person: Kurt Mettler.

Entrust us with

  • Consultancy and project support
  • Telephone support
  • Personal support
  • Coordination with the parties involved
  • Absence tool BBTCare CM
  • Absence reporting
  • Information for labour law enquiries

Your profit

  • Support for employees
  • Relief for managers and HR managers
  • Facilitated personnel planning
  • Management of absence cases
  • Reduction in absences and savings

From practical experience:

Mr. F. from F:

Mr F. suffers from severe wear and tear in his spine. Due to his medical situation, it is no longer possible for him to return to his previous job. Mr F. is about to retire. Various options (early retirement, workplace adjustment) were analysed together with Mr F., his employer, the doctor treating him and the IV. In the meantime, the IV carried out a pension review, which was approved within a short time.


Company A. from L:

Mrs A. was going through a difficult phase in her life with various problems. The Care Manager at SIZ Care AG sought a confidential discussion with Mrs A. This enabled various support options to be offered. Mrs A was subsequently able to clarify her private situation. HR would like to thank her for the good and professional cooperation in her favour.

«To see clearly, it is often enough to change your line of vision.»

(Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)